Thursday, May 13, 2010


My older daughter, Little Miss G is obsessed with her shoes. She wants them on the second she wakes up and won't let me take them off until she puts on her PJs. If I do dare take them off, she will have a massive tantrum. This makes diaper changes quite a challenge sometimes. It is so funny that she is this way since for the first 18 months of her life, she refused to wear shoes. It took about 6 different pairs of shoes before I found a pair she liked. I tried stride right, nike, reebok, new balance etc. Her shoe of choice.. Pediped flex shoes. I do like them and they fit her well. She is on her second pair now. They look like maryjanes but have the feel of a sneaker which is good since she refuses to wear sneakers. I guess I'm raising a diva!

Greta and Her Shoes

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