Friday, May 14, 2010

How Chicken Tenders became my favorite food

Being the mother of a toddler definately has an effect on your diet. Even though I try not to, I tend to graze my kids food. Before I had kids, I had not had fruit snacks or animal crackers in years. Now I have them reguarly. As I write this, I am snacking on my son's unfinished bowl of dry trix cereal. The two food that I really love from kiddie food is Kraft mac and cheese and chicken tenders. Particularly, chicken tenders. When I was pregnant with Miss M, it was my favorite food. On Valentines day, when we went out to dinner just me and the hubby I ordered them. I do try to eat grown up food but when you are outnumbered you tend to pick up the habits of the natives. What kiddie food do you love?

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