Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cow goes Moo!

I am a city girl. My idea of camping involves a cabin with air conditioning. Until I became a mom, I had no idea of the importance of farm animals. I read them an occasional little farm book and we have a little people farm. However,  I did not realize that knowing the animal noises was an important life skill. Then we had to speech therapists because the boy was not speaking. One of the first things the therepists asked was, "Does he know the animal noises?" Of course we had to answer, "No." So we started reading the farm books more including my favorite Moo, Baa, La La La! I also became a bit of a petting zoo junky. I see an event and see that there is a petting zoo and I'm like, "wow, we should go to this!" I also drove 45 minutes just so the kids could see a reindeer and am looking into visiting a local dairy farm.  I will occasionally quiz the boy and Miss G on various farm animal noises. I can report that the Boy knows his farm noise and Miss G is defiantely coming along. Though I'm still not sure how knowing a Cow goes "Moo" will help him in the job market. What is your favorite farm book?

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