Friday, May 7, 2010

Life with Newborn

Miss M is 7 weeks old now. Even though Miss G is only 23 months older than her, I can honestly say I had forgotten how labor intensive newborns are. They need to be fed constantly and seem to always want to be held. Not that I mind spending time with my adorable baby but when you have a 2 and almost 4 year old to chase around it can be a little hectic. Thank God the boy has preschool 5 days a week in the morning!

Between Miss M's demands and taking Miss G and the boy out for their various activities, it leaves very little time to get stuff done around the house. In order to get the house stuff done I developed a system, I have planned out one thing I get done every day. Then I have a list of things I would like to get done. For example, today is laundry day. My goal is to get it all washed and hung up today. So far this system is working and the house has not become the chaotic mess I expected when I brought Miss M home. Lets hope I can keep it up.

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