Saturday, May 8, 2010


Last night as Miss M screamed while I tried to give Miss G a bath with the boy's help, I reflected on the whole idea of happiness with children. I recently managed to get out thanks to the help of my mother and see a movie. I saw the Backup Plan with JLO. It was a good movie but given the topic was pregnancy did not quite give me the escape I wanted. (Of course, another movie I'm dying to see is a documentary called,"Babies.") A father in the movie said that having children was like this all day, "awful, awful, awful, amazing, awful, awful, awful." I definately saw some truth in that though

I prefer to put it how Charlotte did in Sex and the city. She said that she was happy every day maybe not all day but at least part of the day. She was referring to marriage but I think the same applies to kids. I can honestly say there is at least a minute everyday that my children bring me happiness and sometimes more. Yesterday, it was when I came home from running errands with the boy and Miss G came up with open arms saying, "Mama." Also when Miss M smiled at me and when the I spent a good half hour wrestling on the floor with the boy.

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